When you decide to sell your home, the goal of your sale is always to get the home sold for as much as possible as quickly as possible. We want to help you do that when it comes time for you to sell, so we have six steps to share that will get you there. Here’s what you need to do in order to have a successful home sale.1. Define your needs. Sometimes, sellers hit the market without doing this. It usually ends poorly. By knowing where you’re going and what your next step is before you go in, you can clearly define your needs to position exactly how aggressively you want to hit the market.
2. Pricing strategy. This is one of the most important components when selling your home. You don’t want to undersell or overprice the home; you want to find the sweet spot in the middle. An experienced agent can help you do this by supplying you with the numbers that you can use to determine the best price for your goals.
3. Prepare your home. The more you prepare it, the better. Whether it’s renovations, repairs, or getting information on how to stage your home, the more work you put in the better the home will show.
4. Marketing strategy. It’s 2017. The old school method of placing a sign in the yard and putting a home on the MLS just doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s all about marketing now. Be sure to hire an agent who can clearly define to you what their marketing strategy and budget are.
5. Negotiate and accepted offer. It’s one thing to be prepared for the market. It’s another thing to be prepared to negotiate when you get an offer. You want an agent who will negotiate the highest and best price and terms for you. You also want someone who can keep the offer together from contract to closing.
6. Closing. This is the holy grail of selling your house. It’s the final step, but it still trips some people up if they don’t have the proper representation and the right people looking out for them.
The one common theme is hiring a good agent.
Throughout these key steps, you’ll notice one common theme: a good agent. Many deals fall apart because of inexperienced or lazy agents. Before you hire one, make sure you know who they are, what their experience is, and how they are specifically going to help you sell your home for top dollar. That will put you in the best position possible to sell a home in 2017.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.